Smart Strong

We solve your lower back pain.

“The ebook you produced is excellent and the sharp pains I was getting have lessened a lot already”

About Us

Read on to Understand Our Background and Our Mission for the Smartstrong Community


Goodbye, low back pain!
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Weekly Advice, Strategy, and Interviews For to Help You to Build a Better Back the Smart Way

Contrary to popular belief, back pain ALWAYS has a cause and there are simple things to do to alleviate your discomfort. Sadly, for most people, the advice they receive is often unhelpful and in many instances makes things worse.

Let us be your guide to better back health and give you the plan you need to resolve your lower back pain.

Simple things to do everyday that will reduce discomfort for 90% of people suffering with their low back health.

Core movements to understand that will save your back and allow recovery to take place.

Exercises to avoid and exercises to support your back so that you can build resilience. 

Our approach is to give you actionable steps that will result in long term resolution. Resolving lower back pain does not have to complicated but the right advice is often difficult to find amongst all of the information that is published online. Simple principles are commonly overlooked by healthcare professionals as they focus on passive care alone.

What you need is a clear, and actionable, plan to give you the guidance and confidence you need in order to take back control of your back health and get back to doing the activities you love.

We’re Smartstrong and we have resolved hundreds of patients’ back pain. Let us be your guide to build a pain free back using the strategies and experience we’ve used to help so many other people suffering like you.

Step 1: Understand the things you do daily that caused your back pain, and are contributing to ongoing issues.

Step 2: Learn key movements that aggravate back pain and learn the ones that will support your back health.

Step 3: Have a clear plan that will support your recovery and build resilience to future episodes of lower back pain.

Last month we had a patient that was repeatedly performing a back stretch, on a daily basis, that was advised by a healthcare professional. Unbeknownst to them, this back stretch increases disc pressure and was continually exacerbating their back pain. Removing this exercise alone provided immediate, and consistent, relief.

To learn these simple strategies, just enter your name and email address below and we’ll send you a free copy of our ebook so you can start taking action today. Don’t continue to suffer, start to understand your back to take control of your back pain.

Enter your details below to get all these strategies and weekly tips sent to you to improve your health…Enter details below.

Jacob is very specialised, excellent in his job and very involved. He works together with you to find the cause and also looks at what needs to be done to avoid the problem recurring.


Jacob is a man with a mission which he pursues with the most beautiful balance between his head, heart and hands. He a unique therapist the like of which I have not come across before.



Start taking control of your back pain in the next 7 days

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